Blush pink is something I found by accident, so I think. Maybe I fell for it because of Pinterest or the daily blogs that I read. It sparked my interest when I ordered a new duvet set from H&M Home, and it had a pop of blush along with birds.
Therefore I became a fan of blush pink and the need to find some artwork for above my bed. I’ve tried a DIY fail to create a Ju Ju hat that turned out flat and scary looking. I even ordered feathers from eBay and tried my best to make it work. It’s collecting dust on the floor of the guest room I have yet to style completely. That’s another blog post for a different day.
I’m not a fan of words above the bed and the cute little wall quotes. I’ve tried them before in my first apartment with my hubby I put “Always kiss me goodnight” above the bed. It’s hilarious to me now that I would even think that was cute.
Fast forward, and I want to bring in some blush pink to coordinate with my new duvet set. Here is my inspiration mood board. I’d love a set of blush pink chairs for my vanity area/ sitting room in my bedroom. I could totally see myself reading or working on my blog in my room.