Self-care is not self-indulgence, but it’s nothing wrong with treating yourself sometimes too delicious and hearty food and fun. I mean you have a life, and not everyone can be super healthy and sleep 8hrs a night every single day and night. It’s not living if you don’t break the rules sometimes. Yes, here are my 3 ways to treat yourself when the world doesn’t seem as bright, and you’ve eaten nothing but veggies, protein, and water for a solid six months.
3 ways to treat yourself
1. Netflix and Chill
It’s okay to sit watch all five seasons of Reign. I mean you need a break from reality and Reign happens to my new favorite show. It’s about Mary Queen of Scots and her marriage to King Frances of France and their crazy royal love affair. It has its moments of supernatural fortune telling, but the lovemaking, formal language, and dresses will have you hooked. I mean secretly I want to be called Lady Carla, and I wish my husband would refer to me as “Your Grace.”
2. Fresh Flowers
Grab a bouquet of grocery store flowers and put them in a beautiful vase. You can grab a nice vase at the thrift store or even grab a simple, clear vase from the dollar store. Tie a bow around it if that’s your thing.
3. Pie
Yes, you heard me right pie is the piece offering I need in my life. It’s not only super delicious treat, but it can be a piece offering to get what you need to be done. Like hanging those drapes or fixing the table leg. All those things on your honey do list. And it’s treating yourself times ten. I mean fork in the pan right in front of TV watching Reign. You feel me?
I mean by “you” my dear sweet loving husband can get almost anything. It’s my piece offering when I want or need something done around the house. However, if my husband brings me home an EDWARDS® HERSHEY’S* Chocolate Crème Pie my night is made.