This is a sponsored blog post in partnership with The Carpet & Rug Institute. All thoughts and opinions are my own and do not reflect the views of the sponsor.

Spring has sprung! That is what I like to say when the temperatures have stopped reaching below freezing and the sun is shining high in the sky. The thing about early spring is the trees don’t have leaves just yet and the sun shines bright in all my windows. Also, with the bright light comes a magnified look at all the dust bunnies hiding from winter. No worries. Today, I want to share with you 3 simple spring cleaning tools.
Invest in a good vacuum cleaner
The number one weapon I use to keep things fresh and tidy for spring is my vacuum cleaner. There are a lot of vacuums on the market. The Carpet and Rug Institute tests vacuums in multiple ways and lists them on their website so you can find the best one for your home. Look for Seal of Approval vacuums to keep carpet looking great year round. I personally love to see my carpet freshly vacuumed with lines and the feeling of the fluffiness under my feet.
There are a lot of options to clean carpet, but professionals do the best job. Like vacuums, it can be hard to decide on one. Thankfully, CRI also certifies professionals who use certified products to restore the look of your carpet. Hiring a certified pro also keeps carpet warranties intact along with answering questions about proper maintenance of carpet.
Did you know that the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) does not recommend removing carpet as a way to treat asthma or allergies

I suffer from seasonal allergies so indoor air quality is very important to me. I like to open my windows during spring to let in a cross breeze, especially when it’s warm but not hot enough to have the central air conditioner running. Carpet traps pollen and dust that may come in from outside, and then I can easily vacuum it up. I like to open my windows during spring to let in a cross breeze especially when its warm and but not hot enough to have the central air conditioner running.
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Carpet Shampooer rent or buy
I think shampooing my carpet during spring is the best feeling. My household is shoe-free for the most part, but some areas need just a little more TLC than others come spring. I feel so good that I can deep clean my carpet and it will eliminate the majority of the dust, dirt, and pet hair. Once I shampoo an area I notice that my vacuum doesn’t work as hard to pick up dirt, dust, and pet hair. I am saving myself some work. Its a layer approach to keep things tidy and dust-free during spring when pollen and pet hair seem to be everywhere.
Also, a good clean carpet prevents my dog and me from slipping and falling. I have a miniature dachshund who is 5 years old and the carpet really ensures she can safely run around without hurting herself.

Microfiber clothes
I personally believe the best microfiber towels are the kind you can pick up at your local home improvement store. You don’t need to seek out a special magical towel, but its how you care for your microfiber towels that matter the most. Treat your microfiber towels with care and they will serve you well. That means not using any harsh chemicals or fabric softeners. The fabric softener works against the static electricity that allows microfibers to pick up dust and other particles. I always wash my towels separately from my other towels.
This is a sponsored blog post in partnership with The Carpet & Rug Institute. All thoughts and opinions are my own and do not reflect the views of the sponsor.
You have such a beautiful, cheerful home full of life.
Thank you. I try to infuse as much wonder and delight as I can.